Mentor Monday: The Final Scenes


I’m in the home stretch on my revisions.
When I last met with Claudia, we decided my final chapter would be
a kaleidoscope of three small scenes.
So that’s what I’m working on this week.

I want my scenes to convey this kind of intricacy and balance:

(image from

But if I don’t immediately get the scenes just right,
I can treat them like a kaleidoscope and make a slight adjustment,
and maybe that new view will be just what I’m looking for.

16 thoughts on “Mentor Monday: The Final Scenes

  1. LOVE this metaphor and its multitude of meanings! I’ve got a stub scene involving a kaleidoscope in one of my later (not yet revised chapters).

    So interesting that many wondrous things (art, music, literature…even religion for some) incorporate the magic of three.

    P.S. You’re closing in on The End…Go, Tracy, go!!


    • It was tougher today than I’d anticipated. I really, really want everything to be just right. Yikes. Good thing I have time to tinker. And tweak and adjust and shift and erase and start again and ….

      So what is a stub scene? Do you mean one you’ve barely outlined or does it mean something entirely different? When I was looking for that image today, I started thinking I need to get a kaleidoscope because they are very groovy.

      Thanks for cheering me on, Melodye.


      • Stub scene – barely outlined, yes. For me, anyway, it’s a placeholder for something I need/want to include in the next draft but don’t want to stop to add in the moment.

        Kaleidoscopes are totally groovy. And though it may be taking you awhile to find the right angle, it’ll be all the more awesome when you do.

        It’s my privilege to cheer for you, Tracy. xo


        • Yes, I know about needing to add scenes but not wanting to stop the momentum. Stub scene. ๐Ÿ™‚

          Hope you’re feeling better and able to make a bit of progress, Melodye. Your middle mind has been hard at work through all this, I know.


  2. me too… I LOVE THIS! I am so happy for you. You are making great progress!

    ps. I am thinking of applying to Rutgers again with my MG… or the PB text…. or a dummy….. application is online due June 15.


    • Thanks for the encouragement, Laura. I kept the image up on the desktop screen so I’d come across it throughout the day as I worked on my hard copy and laptop.

      Rutgers? Again? Really? You’re braver than me; I about combusted under all that networking/socializing pressure. I did apply last year but didn’t get in (and part of me was really glad but another was like, hey, why didn’t they want me?!)


    • Yes, peek away! As I said to Melodye, I’m thinking I need to get my own kaleidoscope. Such fun.

      Home stretch is a great place to be. It’s also a challenging place when you’re not quite sure how it works. ๐Ÿ™‚

      Hope you’re getting closer to your home stretch, Lorraine.


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