22 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday: The Toe Edition

  1. 1) Hey, I think we’re wearing the same polish!!

    2) I need to find my toe rings & start wearing ’em again! Thanks for the subliminal reminder. šŸ™‚

    3) Yay for foot baths. Other than a foot massage, is there anything more relaxing?


    • I love this nail polish color. It’s perky and pretty and makes me happy. Put on those toe rings and be my twin!

      It felt wonderful soaking my feet the other night. And then I just had to document the experience with the camera…


    • Aw, don’t be dissing your feet that way. They’re noble body parts that carry us everywhere, every day. My toes are nice enough to look at but I have BONY heels, as in they look as if they’re evolved from birds. It’s always a painful chore breaking in hiking boots.


  2. Whoa, why did my comment post twice? I’m afraid to delete one, because then perhaps they will both disappear and I wouldn’t want to deprive the internet of my fascinating comment.


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