Everybody Dance Now


Yesterday I printed out the first eleven chapters (about 80 pages)
from the second draft of my middle-grade,
and am quite pleased with how it's coming together.

It's the first book I've written from an outline
and I must say it's a more civilized approach to writing a novel.

Anyway, because this sense of well-being will certainly fade
in the not-so-distant future, I'm documenting my current emotional state.

Please join Batman and me as we do the

(And yes, that is red lace. Thanks for noticing.)


16 thoughts on “Everybody Dance Now

    • Thanks for the Hurray, Sarah! I can’t remember if you write with an outline or if you’re a pantser. I guess I’m still a bit of both as my outline changed somewhat from the first draft into the second, but I definitely had a better sense of where I was headed.


  1. YEAH!
    Batman dress-up! Like what? You ain’t already wearing pretty strange clothing, Brucie?
    Love it! (Like when I put Beatle-doll John head on G.I.Joe)
    …and congrats!


    • My kids are a bit befuddled about my obsession with dressing and posing Batman but I think it’s great fun!
      Yes, I’m working on a second draft of a new middle-grade and am liking it quite a bit! I know you know that feeling!!


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