“from her heart grows a tree”

This post is inspired by Melanie at the blog The Nature-Led Life (shout-out to Mark at Naturalist Weekly for putting this cool experiment on my radar). While Melanie was reading The Book of Trees: Visualizing Branches of Knowledge by Manuel Lima, the phrase “from her heart grows a tree” came to her. Melanie wrote about it on her blog (that post is “the trunk”) and invited others to contribute “branches” by posting on our blogs something that includes “from her heart grows a tree” (Melanie hopes to make a visual tree of all contributions and the deadline to contribute is Aug 2, midnight PST)

This is my “branch.”

Uncompahgre National Forest. July 28, 2019

I remember standing in these aspens two years ago, my heart expanding as I gazed up, up, up at this tree reaching for the blue sky. However, aspens are not only magnificent above ground, but also below, because groups of aspen share a root system. A system one might imagine as an enormous “beating heart” below ground.

“From her heart grows a tree.”

Her heart connecting with mine.

11 thoughts on ““from her heart grows a tree”

  1. Aspens are really fascinating trees. I love this memory and the thought that it provoked! Thank you so much for you contribution. This project has helped me discover several blogs to follow. You are the second or third person inspired by Mark S.’s blog branch and that in itself is a small sample in the ability we have to spread ideas.

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  2. Pingback: From Her Heart Grows A Tree – Visual Branching – The Nature-led Life

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