I went to a department store today to pick up an online order. As I wandered about trying to locate the pick-up area, I probably saw about fifty people. Fifty unmasked people, many of whom were standing right next to each other in the check-out line.

This is the first time since the start of the pandemic that I’ve been somewhere in public where I was the one and only person wearing a mask. It’s very troubling. Horrifying. Rage-inducing.

What is going on? Peer pressure? Don’t trample on my freedom? Denial?

Because despite the powers that be saying the pandemic is over, it absolutely is not over. Those officials are downplaying the entire situation in order to protect capitalism. They are more concerned about the economy than people’s health. The equivalent of 9/11 deaths are happening each week. We are witnessing a mass disabling event. And if our for-profit healthcare system isn’t there for us now, do you think it’s going to offer support and services when the entire workforce becomes disabled?

Pediatric hospitals are overflowing as young children battle multiple viruses they are more susceptible to as a result of previous Covid infections. Children are dying from Covid, the flu, RSV, and Strep A. There’s a shortage of pediatric antibiotics and fever medication, not to mention the year-long baby formula shortage. 

There’s so much more to say: the huge increase of “sudden deaths,” the blood clots, the seizures, heart attacks, the brain damage, etc., but I’ll stop here because I’m about to cry from anger and frustration.

Please, for the love of humanity, wear a mask (and not those saggy blue surgical masks). My public library gives away free KN95 masks and I bet yours does, too. But if you can’t access any, contact me and I will order some to be shipped to you. I get mine here.

11 thoughts on “PLEASE wear a MASK

  1. Thanks for this post, Tracy. We recently spent some time with family in our neighbouring province … we live in BC and had to be in Alberta for an urgent family matter. We spent a lot of time visiting in the hospital when we were away, and of course, everybody in the hospital was masked because it is mandated to do so. But when we were out and about in malls or just around the busier areas of Calgary with the Christmas rush, we were appalled at the lack of masks being worn. Our guess would be that maybe we saw 1 out of every 100 people wearing a mask, perhaps 2 out of 100. Sad statistics. It was atrocious to us that people would have such disregard for others by exercising their “rights and freedom” to not wear a mask. We were happy to finally leave for BC and away from the nightmare of having to be away from home.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. That must’ve been incredibly difficult to have to navigate the unmasked while dealing with your family matter. I’m so sorry we’ve reached this point. Our public officials have much to answer to in the horrendous way they’ve handled everything. I’m glad you’re back home where you’re not feeling so at risk.


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