Day 192 of the genocidal war on Palestinians

Nobody but the military industrial complex, the Zionists, and AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) recipients in the House and Senate want this slaughter to continue. I don’t want it and I’m guessing you don’t want it, either.

Billions and billions of dollars are being handed over to Israel, without condition, so that it may continue to destroy the people and infrastructure of Gaza. This would NOT be  possible without full-throated support from the United States. Biden could make one phone call to put an immediate stop to the carnage. Instead? Israel has been emboldened by U.S. support and is now opening slaughtering Palestinian children at a refugee camp playground.

Know what would be cool?  Sanctions against Israel. Instead, today the U.S. announced sanctions against Iran. Because, yanno, Iran’s drone program has killed over 34,000 people, mostly women and children, disabled thousands more, destroyed every hospital and university, and used mass starvation as a weapon . Oh, wait! It’s Israel (“the only democracy in the Middle East”) that’s killed over 34,000 people by dropping 70,000 tons of Made-in-the-U.S. explosives on the Palestinians.

There are so many grotesque layers to all this. For instance, Israeli Firms Are Working Overtime to Sell Stolen Palestinian Land to US Jews. And the suppression of pro-Palestinian voices continues as USC refuses to allow its Valedictorian to speak at graduation because she linked to a pro-Palestinian page on her Instagram account. You may read Valedictorian Asna Tabassum’s statement HERE. EDITED TO ADD: Right after posting, I saw that the House just passed a Resolution: Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the slogan, “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” is antisemitic and its use must be condemned. Truly pathetic.

I know many are tired of reading about Gaza, tired of thinking about the horrors, and tired of not being heard. When I made calls this morning to the the White House comment line and my Representative and two Senators, my blood pressure went into overdrive with the knowledge that my supposed representatives in this supposed democracy do not care one iota about my opinions. While that may be true, they still must hear from us. These genocide-enablers do not get a free pass! They need to know we are watching and understanding that this brutal assault on Palestinians could happen to any of us, anywhere around the world. They need to know we object.

Please don’t look away. Please don’t stop making noise and disrupting “business as usual.” Please remember our shared humanity and don’t allow your heart to harden. Palestine will be free.


12 thoughts on “Day 192 of the genocidal war on Palestinians

  1. I so want to hang a huge Palestinian flag off my front porch but I’m ashamed to admit I’m too scared. I’m so glad you’re encouraging us to keep up the good fight, Tracy. We need to keep voicing our rage despite our fears. That said, time to write some more letters…


    • There’s no shame in being afraid to put a Palestinian flag on your porch, Mara. We’re living in a fear-based, reactionary society that’s been whipped into a frenzy. After the invasion (and then occupation) of Iraq, I maintained an Iraq death toll sign in our front yard for years ( and we endured tons of abuse as a result: signs stolen, anonymous mail, doorbell-ringing at all hours, killed crabapple tree, marketing phone calls for stuff others had signed us up for, etc. It was ugly. We’ve now had a CEASEFIRE NOW sign in the front yard since late October without any pushback which tells me more people than not are opposed to the US enabling death and destruction. That being said, these are scary times for voicing opinions. I’m very grateful you continue to write on behalf of Palestinians, Mara. Thank you.

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      • I get the feeling the most Americans don’t support us sending weapons to Israel which is a good thing. I find it somewhat strange that there aren’t more opposition signs in my neighborhood which is pretty liberal (whatever that means). And this is mostly why I want to at least put up a sign. I really admire your courage. We all need more of it.

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        • I’m also surprised at the lack of signage, but then I remember the fear-mongering and it becomes more understandable. I’m not sure it’s so much courage in my instance, Mara, as an unwillingness to go unheard. Because my supposed reps don’t listen to anything I have to say, I feel the need to make it clear where I stand on all this.

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