Friday Five: The Take It From Me Edition


1)  While it’s good to have teen sons responsible for the weekly cleaning of their bathroom,

2)  it’s probably best to now and again check on the actual "cleanliness" of said room

3)  because those little microorganisms can gain an astoundingly tenacious foothold on all surfaces

4) and you will need a strong stomach plus a haz-mat suit to battle them

5)  but as long as you have Jimi Hendrix on the boombox, you will PREVAIL.

Wishing everyone a happy weekend (and depending on your mental state, you may or may not want to check the kids’ bathroom).

12 thoughts on “Friday Five: The Take It From Me Edition

    • I think mine have gotten more casual on the cleaning effort than when they were younger. But now they’ve earned my watchful eye, so I’m thinking things are about to change. 🙂


  1. LOL. No boys, but I think I should open my eyes the next time I go in the bathroom at work. I seem to be the only one who cleans it–and it’s been a while =)


    • Yikes! Work-site bathrooms can get seriously scary, too. You’re a goddess for cleaning it! I think that’s tougher than tackling my boys’ bathroom. No, I KNOW that’s tougher!


  2. I was thinking of sending you my Haz-Mat suit, but I’m too lazy to search for it. So sorry, you’ll have to PREVAIL on your own. (my sympathies, borne of experience with raising two sons of my own)

    Happy weekend to you, my dear friend. We’re taking a field trip to the desert, to find/photograph wildflowers. And, of course, my beloved oasis.


    • I thought of you as I typed that so in a way, you did lend me yours. I wore the one you sent in spirit.

      I’m so glad you’re off in your oasis, refreshing your spirit. It sounds as if this week has been difficult so I know you’ll feel better after rejuvenating.


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