29 degrees of Thankful Thursday

Yesterday and today have been frigid in these parts. The kind of cold that makes my teeth ache and my nostril hairs stick together as soon as I step outside. I’ve toted my space heater from room to room while waging an internal debate on the pros and cons of life in Florida or Arizona or Texas. (Okay, that’s melodramatic hyperbole.) However, the stuff about my nostril hairs is true.

But at this moment, I’m thankful for the promise of better things:


That’s a 29 degree swing in the right direction, and I’ll take it!

As that Little Orphan Annie with the freakishly blank eyes is fond of saying:
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya tomorrow ….




2 thoughts on “29 degrees of Thankful Thursday

    • I think you’re right, Barb. As for California, I lived there for nine years. It’s a great place, but more crowded and more expensive than when I left. I never lived in San Diego but have a running joke: it’s the perfect climate and perfect place to live if only three million people would move away.


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