Climate Movement Monday: in support of The Vessel Project

Welcome back to Movement Mondays in which we talk all things climate and then take a quick action on behalf of people and planet. I was out of the loop this past week because Zippy had major surgery last Tuesday and was in the hospital until yesterday (he’s got a ways to go but is doing well!), and was blissfully unaware of anything happening outside the ICU and then Room 5921. For instance, I didn’t know there were tornados in Louisiana last week.

I’ve written before about frontline communities along the Gulf being poisoned by petrochemical and fossil fuel facilities, including how Roishetta Ozane lives next to Westlake Chemical plant. Roishetta is the founder of The Vessel Project which is “a grassroots mutual aid, disaster relief, and environmental justice organization founded in Southwest Louisiana in response to several federally declared disasters, including hurricanes Laura and Delta, winter storm Uri, and the May flood of 2021.” Their office in Lake Charles, Louisiana, was severely damaged on April 10th in an EF2 tornado that touched down shortly after 6am with damaging winds of over 115 mph. (Video of that tornado.) And now they need our help!

One of The Vessel Project’s missions is helping their community after disasters. Per the website: After a disaster, we assist the affected with their most immediate needs, whatever they may be. Whether it is emergency shelter, food, formula, diapers, oxygen tanks, cleaning supplies, application assistance, or document recovery—we have learned that the best way to help people is by asking them what will help.

I’m here today soliciting donations on behalf of Roishetta and the entire organization that works tirelessly to support their community. Any amount helps! If you can, PLEASE donate to this GoFundMe in support the rebuilding efforts for The Vessel Project. Clean up, repair, and new office equipment are needed!

These are very hard days on the planet but people are taking care of each other, and that gives me great hope. Thank you for reading this far. Solidarity! ✊🏽

12 thoughts on “Climate Movement Monday: in support of The Vessel Project

    • It is heartening, Rosaliene, and gives me hope knowing that people refuse to turn their backs on others. They will not break our spirits and sense of collective well-being. Thank you much for the kind words re Zippy.

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  1. Pingback: Climate Movement Monday: Lake Charles Methanol plant | Tracy Abell

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